Let’s spark a culture of giving in the Bay Area.
We believe generosity is central to the very heart of Christ, and living generously can transform lives, churches, and communities. With Generosity Bay Area, you can discover the power of living generously, find resources to support you on your giving journey, and connect with a community of individuals who are taking steps to make the Bay a more generous place.
Join us—wherever you are on your giving journey.
Explore our vision to create a culture of transformative giving.
Participate in the “This Generous Moment” campaign.
Get involved: Join our community of radical givers.
Attend a Journey of Generosity Retreat
Journeys of Generosity (JOGs) are a fabulous way to explore biblical generosity in a safe environment with a curated small group. We host them in-person in wine country, as well as virtually. All expenses are covered.
You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and… your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11