Introducing...This Generous Moment 2023 ✨
Our annual This Generous Moment campaign is live! Join us this year for Eat, Learn, Give gatherings. Forge new relationships, share ideas, and learn about incredible organizations your peers believe in.
We'll focus on generosity in action– hosting gatherings with great food and drinks, bringing together a community on the giving journey.
Leaning into Generous Living 🤲
We are so inspired by how our community continues to lean into radical generosity.
Read about a few Bay Area Christian young professionals who joined boards of organizations and how they are making an impact.
Summer GBA Happenings + Note from Christina ☀️
Deepen your walk with God by joining or convening a JOG retreat. Explore biblical generosity with a small group of peers in a safe, no-pressure environment. Read what people had to say about their experience and read a note from our executive director, Christina!